CPT Daniel Childs
CPT Childs enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in 2004 as an infantry machinegunner. He deployed to Fallujah, Iraq in 2006 with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion 24th Marines. He has served as an ammunition bearer, gunner, team leader, and section leader at the rank of Sergeant. CPT Daniel Childs commissioned in the Michigan Army National in 2015 through the 177th RTI Traditional OCS Program. He then served on Battalion Staff with the 3-126 Infantry Battalion. CPT Childs deployed in support of the Southwest Border Mission with the 3-126IN in 2020 as a Company Commander in El Paso and Laredo, Texas. After returning from Texas, CPT Daniel Childs served as an Instructor, Platoon Trainer, and Senior Platoon Trainer with the Michigan National Guard 177th RTI OCS Program. CPT Childs has served the MSU community since 2008 as a Police Officer, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant. CPT Daniel Childs joined the MSU Spartan Battalion in September 2024.