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Current Michigan State University Students

If you are a current MSU undergraduate or graduate student with at least two full academic years remaining before completion of your degree, you may qualify for a four, three or two-year Army ROTC Scholarship. Your academic level will be determined upon the program you enter through.

If you are just starting your freshman year at MSU, you will have the option of completing ROTC in four, three or two years.

If you are just entering your sophomore year, you can complete ROTC in three or two years.

MSU students take Army ROTC courses for many reasons. Some just want to know more about the Army and learn what it is to be a commissioned officer. Some have already decided to earn their commission as a Second Lieutenant by participating actively in our program. But, regardless of your particular situation, starting Army ROTC at MSU as a freshman or sophomore is as easy as signing up for any other elective course at MSU. Simply add a section of either MS 110 (freshman level) or MS 210 (sophomore level) for the fall semester, or MS 120 or MS 220 respectively for the spring semester. You can enroll for one or two credits for each 100 or 200 level course. These are elective credits that will apply to your MSU degree. If you are unfamiliar with our program and are just taking the class, you should take it for one credit. If you are applying for an Army ROTC Scholarship, or are relatively certain that you will be seeking a commission through our program, you should enroll for two credits. The second credit is for the leadership lab that meets weekly. Only students seriously considering a commission should participate in the Thursday lab. Once enrolled in one of these Military Science electives, you can take your time to become familiar with the different Army ROTC options available. You are under no obligation by simply taking the elective classes. If at any time you choose to become an active cadet in order to seek a commission, just let us know and we will start working on getting you qualified.

If you are a freshman or sophomore and have already completed your class schedule for the coming semester, you can add a Military Science class at any time until the end of the drop/add period.

If you are in your second semester of your sophomore year, or you have less than three years remaining at MSU, you will be completing one of the two-year ROTC Program. The three-year program compresses the first and second year requirements into one year. The two-year program offers different ways to earn credit constructive for the first two-years of ROTC.

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

If you are a current MSU freshman or sophomore, you can opt to enlist in the Michigan Army National Guard or Army Reserves and remain in there while you complete your degree. Concurrently, you can earn your commission as an officer through the Army ROTC Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). You can enlist in the Guard or Reserves and attend your required training during the summer after your freshman or sophomore year. Upon your return to campus, you can elect to enter the SMP Program. Once you have completed Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), you will be qualified in your selected Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Most MOSs carry with them substantial cash bonuses. The first installment of the bonus (usually 50%) is paid upon becoming MOS-qualified. Once MOS-qualified, you will be entitled to the Montgomery GI Bill (Selected Reserve) which pays $367 per month while you complete your degree as a full-time student. If you decide to commit to staying in the Guard or Reserves upon commissioning, you can also apply for an additional $350 per month kicker to the GI Bill. As a member of the Michigan National Guard or Reserves, you will be entitled to $4500 per year Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA). This takes care of $9,000 of your annual tuition. In addition to the GI Bill, FTA and State tuition reimbursement, you'll receive compensation of $294 for your one weekend per month drill and approximately $1500 for your 15 days of annual training each summer. As an ROTC SMP cadet, you will receive a monthly subsistence allowance of $350 your sophomore year, $450 your junior year and $500 your senior year. All benefits are tax free. Drill pay and annual training pay are considered compensation and are taxed.

Cadet Initial Entry Training Lateral Entry (CIET LE)

If you have at least two full years remaining in your college career, you can choose to attend a summer program called CIET LE. The CIET LE is a 28-day training and leader development program at Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is a prerequisite for the Army ROTC two-year program for anyone without prior military service. By completing CIET LE, students earn credit for the first two years of Army ROTC. This enables them to enter directly into the ROTC Advanced Course and earn a commission as officer in the Army, Army Reserve, or National Guard upon completing their degree at MSU.

CIET LE Requirements:

  • Apply between February and May
  • Training begins in June and July

Contact Mr. Robert Sullivan at the Department of Military Science at MSU to confirm eligibility and make your training reservation. Phone: (517) 353-3484.

Robert Sullivan

Robert Sullivan
Enrollment Officer

Phone:(517) 353-3484
Mobile:(517) 610-1560

Contact Us About Enrollment